Monday, 26 August 2013

A Caramel Latte and an Introduction

Hey Sunshines, I'm Heather and I believe in three things; Wynona Ryder, the 'Cheer-Up Powers' of watching Duck Dynasty, drinking before 5 o'clock on a weekday and today my best friend described me as 'Strawberry lemonade with a bottle of vodka thrown in." (I like to think its because of my shot glass collection, but its probably because I drink like a Russian).

This is my obligatory face picture. Just so you know who's face is speaking these words on a daily basis. 

Perhaps introductions are in order? I live in Canberra; the capital of Australia, overrun by ADFA guys, obese toddlers, self righteous civil workers and grass. I can't decide what I like least about Canberra, the ACTION public transport system or the lack of book stores...its like an inverted Sophie's choice. But hey, at least we have plenty of bike paths for all those times I feel healthy? Although normally during those times I chose to procrastinate until the feeling passes... Currently I attend Australian National University studying a Double Degree in Law/Arts with a Major in International Studies and a minor in English. The law library desks are littered with graffiti and the campus bathroom smells like a Bob Marley shrine (Yet, I'm just happy that the LSS or the Law School Stoners know where the bathrooms are!) But nonetheless I digress; at least I like my degree...right? 

*Just realised, my neighbours...haven't met them yet. I'm putting my money on psychopaths or people with a 'life', both being equally foreign concepts for me I'll admit. I'd probably be able to get along better with the psychopath though...I don't think they'd be much for small talk.*

I think thats all from me for now,
Keep it classy. 

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